25 Years!!!!

On Tuesday, March 4 Tom and I will have been married for 25 years. It's been a fantastic journey together so far. Today I want to tell you a little bit more about this special man. He is Thomas Alexander Ziegler, the son of Karl and Marga Ziegler. His sister is Katharina (Kinny) Pesquera. He is a pharmacist and a business owner. He is visionary and adventurous.
He spent two weeks in the White Mountains with a friend when he was 15. Just the two of them. Yep, that's right. It started out with a bang when lightning hit the cabin they were sleeping in the first night... Tom enjoyed what he calls "deep freeze" camping during the winter with his friend Dave. In Connecticut! He loves the outdoors and finished a canoe trip down the Connecticut River from New Hampshire to Connecticut his freshman year in college. I know one of his favorite adventures when we lived in South was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with our best friends.

The past 7 1/2 years have been an adventure filled with many twists and turns as we opened an independent pharmacy in Ashburn, Virginia. It wasn't his first business venture - that would have been the Africa Store, an import business he partnered with Mike Taliaferro, also when we lived in South Africa. But Medicap Pharmacy has been something. It has stretched our faith to the limits several times as we were not sure it was possible to stay open. What we have learned and continue to get solid in is the fact that what God wants open He keeps open! Tom works hard. He is generous and enjoys helping people get healthy and stay healthy. He is kind hearted and has often stayed on after the store closed to let someone pop in to pick up their prescription or even delivered it to their door.

He is a hero to his children and I know that they love and respect him tremendously. It is such a joy for me to see how often they talk to him, getting input on decisions and sharing their daily adventures with him. The joke in our family is that they never know what else Dad will be up to when they visit. Tom somehow manages to operate two small side businesses as he runs the pharmacy.

Most importantly, Tom is a man after God's own heart. He is trustworthy. He shares about God's word openly and confidently. He loves to study the Bible with friends and give presentations on medical evidences that back up claims of the Bible. He is sincere and worthy of respect.
Tom won my heart in Westchester, New York, 25 years ago. He was my "Mr. Fix-It." He knew what to do with every problem I encountered, from cars to medicines and beyond. He became my best friend and he is still that and more! I will gladly forge ahead on the journey we started and can't tell you how excited I am to see where it goes. I am a blessed and happy lady. Happy Anniversary, Tom!

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