How Could It Be That 25 Years Have Passed?
In just a few months the Nairobi Christian Church will be celebrating it's 25th Anniversary with a special worship service. Tom and I had hoped and planned to attend, but various things are preventing that. One of the main reasons we have decided it is not wise at this point is because of our business. While the amount of business keeps growing, recent changes in the health care system in the United States mean that pharmacies and medical practices are receiving less in reimbursements for services provided. Sometimes that is frustrating, but we have learned we need to keep adjusting with this business. It's a new lesson in being faithful.
I have been thinking about the balance between faith and responsibility a lot lately. When Tom and I went to Nairobi 25 years ago, we quit jobs, sold most of our wedding gifts and sold his condo in Arlington to pay off all existing debt, then jumped headlong into the greatest adventure of our lives at that point. It was dizzying how much our lives changed in a few short months. Three months dating, three months engaged, six months married and then moving half way around the world to live in a new and unfamiliar culture. Talk about transition! (I wouldn't change any of it!)
So are we not being faithful today in our decision? Honestly, I struggle with that a lot. I want to be as faithful and bold in my older age as I was in my youth - or more so. I also want to continue growing in my wisdom. I long to be like Caleb - fit and strong enough at 80 to take on the fight to inhabit the land that God promised. While I thought I had a lot of the answers when we left 25 years ago to move to Africa, today I know with certainty that I don't always know what is best. So I will continue to pray every day and still hope that one day soon we will be able to travel back to Africa and reconnect with friendships that make our hearts sore to think about sometimes.